Houston, we have pick and rolls

So much for the new CBA putting a stop to super teams right? With Rocket's signing of Dwight Howard it's looking like another mega-team has emerged in Houston. One of the most interesting aspects of this purposed "super-team" is how its offense will work. With James Harden and Jeremy Lin, two ball dominant guards, and Dwight Howard there is the makings of a serious pick and roll team, its just up to McHale to suss out the details. Lucky for him, I have been thinking a lot lately of what their offense could look like in this coming season.

For starters, this team should be picking and rolling other teams to death. The interesting twist becomes who should be handling the ball in these PnRs. Here is where it gets interesting. Harden is a PnR savant and Lin is no slouch in this area either so both could capably run this offense. The problem arises when Harden is the ball handler in these situations. Lin becomes VASTLY less effective when he doesn't have the ball in his hands, so I would have him stick to his strengths as a PnR ball handler. This would mean Harden would need to operate off the ball more than he has in his entire career. Harden moving without the ball creates a number of interesting offensive opportunities for this offense. A Lin and Howard PnR with Parsons in the strong side corner and Harden operating on the weak-side with a 4 2 screen comes to mind. All in all, this offense has the tools to screen their opponents into submission.

One issue that may present itself is spacing. This problem would only arise if Houston really does plan on using Asik-Howard lineups for extended minutes, which I personally think would be hilarious on offense and terrifying on defense. I honestly would love to see Houston trade Omer to the Pelicans for Ryan Anderson. Anderson seems to fit this team a whole lot better on offense and if Dwight can regain his DPOY form his deficiencies on that end wouldn't be all that bad. Either way, McHale has all the pieces there he just needs to figure out how they all fit.


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