Exactly where we were
First and foremost, I would like to congratulate Sacramento. They did what we couldn't do up here, which makes sense. While the common theme of relocation is present in this tale of two teams, the details of them are a smidge different. Either way, here we are again, exactly where we were. No team and no idea if and when another one is coming. It would be nice to hope for one, but I feel it would only end in a manner similar to this. When I had heard a couple of billionaires had planes to bring back the Sonics, I approached it with cautious optimism. I didn't want to get to invested in this whole situation, knowing it could end the way it did. And yet here I am; crestfallen is a good way to put my feelings right now. The more I heard about prospective arena deals and team valuations, the more excited I got. The more I believed that having the Sonics back in town was a possibility. The city of Seattle has Chris Hansen to thank for that. I expect an open let...